This Small Business Program focuses on attracting new entrants and developing and retaining existing workers. The aim of this program is to underpin the future prosperity of building and construction in Queensland. Our partnership with CSQ aims to provide the industry with the most up-to-date thinking on construction skills and training.
Subsidised Training CSQ funds up to 75% of training costs across a range of courses removing much of the cost barrier to upskilling staff.
Apprentice Advance Loading CSQ’s Apprentice Advance Loading provides an additional 25%* loading to the CSQ price for training to eligible apprentices and trainees to boost their skills and career prospects.
Workforce Planning we partner with CSQ to deliver targeted workforce plans to meet the training and skilling needs of identified projects, sectors, regions and diversity groups.
Major Projects Training Program CSQ provides major projects with access to building and construction training to address skills deficiencies and assist individuals to become more multi-skilled and productive
Small Business Program provides industry-tailored skills and support services for small to medium construction businesses.
Small businesses are the backbone of Queensland’s building and construction industry.
They create jobs, employ apprentices and trainees, provide a supply chain of skilled workers to meet the demands of larger projects, and support economic growth and regional development. To increase their operational and economic sustainability, a series of multi-pronged, tailored strategies are needed to support small firms in Queensland’s building and construction sector. The CSQ Small Business program provides industry-tailored skills and support services for small to medium construction businesses.
If you would like to make an enquiry, please complete the form on the right and a customer service representative will contact you as soon as possible.
Harness Energy Training